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Prečítajte si, čo si ostatné ženy myslia o Aniballe nižšie, alebo prejdite na názory odborníkov, aby ste zistili, prečo klinickí odborníci odporúčajú Aniball.
Aniball som používala od 36. týždňa, keď som išla do pôrodu, nemala som žiadnu úľavu od bolesti, bola som úplne v kontrolu a počas celého pôrodu som sa cítila úžasne. Keď prišiel čas na tlačenie, zatvorila som oči a predstavila som si, že používam Aniball. Môj syn sa narodil pokojne a nemala som žiadne stehy ani odreniny. Po niekoľkých dňoch som sa cítila celkom normálne a dobre. Aniball nemôžem odporučiť dosť!!
Amber Golden
Mum, UK
Definitely the best investment I made during pregnancy. Can’t recommend highly enough. It helps physically but also mentally to prepare for a birth. I had a very positive experience and ended up with only 2 minor tears with absolutely undamaged perineum. My baby was 9.7 pounds (4.4kg).
Wanda Klaman
Mum, UK
I’ve used Anibal for both of my babies one in Oct 2020 & one in May 23. My first was 6lbs 11oz and had minimal grazes. My 2nd was 9lbs 2oz and had small tears but 0 stitches needed. I religiously used Anibal from the middle of my 36week and did around 10mins every day and 10mins roughly every other day with baby number 2. Practicing your breathing as you release the ball was a definite help and made me focus on the job at hand. Can’t recommend this enough.
Charlotte Dagwell
Mum, Ireland
Genius thing! It ended up being my best investment in the pregnancy. Helped me a lot to prepare mentally and physically. I had an extremely short second stage of labour (5 minutes), no injuries and walked away on my own. Highly recommended!
Mia Matiaskova
Mum, Slovakia
I cannot thank you enough! First time mum using Aniball and I had no stitches, had the short second stage possible and to top it all off my baby came out direct OP. So really should have needed some stitching or intervention to help her out and thanks to Aniball I needed nothing all! I cannot recommend it highly enough and think every woman should be using Aniball. Thank you so much!
Angileta Willis
Mum & Midwife, UK
Fantastic help, definitely would recommend. I was a bit sceptical at first but after reading many great reviews I've decided to try it. This was my very first childbirth so I wasn't sure what to expect but Aniball helped me so much to prepare for it and gain much needed confidence. Also, I have a smaller body and without Aniball my birth would be a complete mess - even my doctor said that after the labour. Great product and great support, deeply appreciated.
Veronika Perzel
Mum, Slovakia
Aniball is one of my top recommendations for pregnancy. With 2 weeks of use I managed to give birth to my first baby, weighing 8lbs 7oz, with nothing but a very minor graze. While I was extremely grateful at the time I didnt appreciate the rarity but every midwife and health visitor seen since has been amazed! I've told them all to recommend Aniball!! Thank you!!!
Janelle Verity
Mum, Ireland
I had an amazing calm birth partly thanks to Aniball. It was not daunting to breathe my baby out as I had practiced from 37 weeks on with Aniball and was aware of the sensation of the baby crowning and being born.
Julie De Graeve
Mum, UK
I thought this would be just another 'recommended' item for mothers to waste money on, but I was wrong! This is amazing, exercises are simple and prepare you well for childbirth. The focus on control and breathing has helped me feel much calmer and more confident in my ability to give birth
Katie Baldwin
Mum, UK
I was a bit skeptical but after reading so many positive reviews, thought it would be worth a try as perineal massage was very alien to me and difficult to reach around the bump to do correctly!
Genuinely think I would have torn if it wasn’t for this product. I had a water birth, used the tens machine before getting into the water and gas and air for pushing stage - I had no tears at all!!! Highly recommend, worth every penny to have a positive birth experience and a quicker recovery post-birth.
Sophia Stokes
Mum, Ireland
I used this as a first time mom from about 37 weeks until having my little girl at 39 weeks. I had a 45 min active labour and 3 pushes and my little girl was out as I knew exactly how to control that part of my body. I had no tears or grazes at all! I don't know whether that was due to this product or whether I'd have been lucky anyway but even if it didn't help physically, mentally knowing what 'crowning' would feel similar too and what the pushing would feel like helped me feel empowered for my birth experience I will fully recommend this to expectant moms in future!
Sharni Yates
Mum, Ireland
I cannot stress how amazing this worked for me. I was little sceptical but started using this product at 36 weeks for 15-20mins a day and had the easiest labour ever. The labour lasted 3 hours and the breathing techniques and being calm helped as I knew the exercises I was doing in preparation for labour would reduce tearing.
Happily I had no tears/rips- not one. I was able to recover very quickly and easily the days after.
Kiran Gajjar
Mum, UK